- Traits required in Writers, Editors and Journos
- The Thrilling realm of writing
- What is simple writing
- What is creativity
- You have many hurdles ahead of you
- How you can eliminates the hurdles
- The golden rules for becoming a creative writer
- Discipline to be observed
- A writer is a manager of a unique kind
- The writing process
- Get vital inputs
- Plan
- Organise
- Staff
- Direct
- Control
- Submit
- Edit the first proof
- keep in touch with publisher for subsequent proof
- Go through the final proof
- Pray for a good CRC
- Pray for the article or book to succeed
- Get remuneration or royalty
- Writing Magazines
- What you can write for a magazine
- How to write an article for a magazine
- How to judge an article
- How to write short story
- Major feature of a short story
- what you can write in short story
- How to write a short story
- How to write a long story
- How to write a novels
- How to write story for children
- Writing for a children of age 2-5 years
- Writing for a children of age 6-12 years
- Writing for the age group of 12- 16 years
- How to write editorials of newspaper
- How to write guest column
- How to write an article for a news paper
- How to cover events in a newspaper or magazine
- specialist areas of journalism
- Pack journalism
- Public journalism
- Areas of public journalism
- Yellow journalism
- Crime reporting
- Types of crime
- Some legal terms and procedure that a journo must know
- Contempt of court
- Examples of crime reporting
- Procedures of a crime reporting
- Depth reporting
- Definition
- Classification of depth reporting
- Depth reporting in the print media
- Investigative journalism
- Feature writing
- Types of features
- How to manage a feature
- How to write a feature
- Column writing
- Types of column
- Book review
- Editorial Writing
- Depth reporting in broadcast media
- Depth reporting in online journalism
- Investigative journalism
- Three levels of reporting
- What is a dispute
- Types of reporters
- Definition
- Why should we nature this concept
- types of investigative journalism
- It is a risky business
- Quality and traits desired in an investigative journalist
- What an investigative journalist is not supposed to do
- Procedure of investigative journalism
- History of Investigative journalism
- Development journalism
- Constraints on the coverage of development news
- Definition of development journalism
- Prerequisites for becoming a development reporter
- Electronic media and development journalism
- Cheque Book journalism
- Syndicates
- Freelancer or stringers
- Definition of freelancing
- Problem faced by freelancers
- How to operate as a stringer
- Advantages of using freelancers
- Disadvantages of using freelancers
- News agency and press organisation operating in India
- Press Trust of India (PTI)
- United News of India
- Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool (NANA)
- Press Council of India
- Research reference and training division
- Photo division
- Publication division
The Techniques (Bullet Points)
Advertising (Bullet Points)
- Tenets of Marketing and Marketing Management
- Individual
- Needs
- Wants
- Demand
- Product or Service
- Utility
- Value
- Satisfaction
- Exchange
- Transaction
- Market
- Marketing
- The Marketer can be a buyer or a seller
- Management
- Business Management
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Mix : Four P's of Marketing
- Megamarketing : Six P's of Marketing
- The Philosophies of Marketing management
- The Production concept
- Product concept
- Selling concept
- Marketing concept
- Market focus
- Customer Orientation
- Co-ordinated marketing
- Profitability
- Societal Marketing Concept
- Economic Importance of Marketing
- Marketing the Most vial activity of a business firm
- Major features of Marketing
- A Brief overview of the marketing process
- Marketing environment
- The micro Environment
- The macro Environment
- Demand forecasting
- Survey methods of demand forecasting
- Jury of executive Opinion
- The delphi technique
- Survey of buying plans
- Survey of customers buying plans(sample survey method)
- Survey of customers buying plans (Complete enumeration method)
- Survey of customers buying plans (End User Method)
- Poll of sales forces's opinion
- Statistical Method of demand forecasting
- Market factor analysis
- Direct derivation method
- Correlation analysis
- Projection of past sales or trend analysis
- Regression analysis
- Econometric model building method
- Market segmentation
- Bases for market segmentation
- Geography as a basis
- Psychography as a basis
- Social class
- Personality
- Lifestyle
- Demography as a basis
- Nationality
- Education
- Age
- Gender
- Income
- Family life cycle
- Race
- Religion
- Occupation
- Purpose as a basis
- Behaviour al response as a basis
- Benefits desired from the product/service
- Usage rate
- The type of buying situation
- User status
- Occasions
- Loyalty status
- Readiness stage
- Attitude toward the product or service
- Market targeting
- Evaluation of market segment
- Product Positioning
- Consumer Behaviour or Buyer Behaviour
- Human behaviour
- Consumer behaviour
- Why should we study consumer behaviour
- Sovereignty of the consumer
- Who is a Consumer
- Determinants of consumer behaviour
- Internal or endogenous variables
- Needs
- Motives
- Personality
- Awareness
- Attitude
- Perception
- Selective perception
- Factor affecting perception
- Internal factor affecting perception
- External factors affecting perception
- Application in marketing
- Gestalt psychology and perception
- Closure
- Proximate objects
- Learning
- What learning is not
- Types of learning
- Associative learning
- Cognitive learning
- Elements of the learning process
- The application of the learning theory to consumer behaviour
- External or Exogenous variables
- Memory
- Gestalt psychology
- Simplicity
- Figures and ground
- Closure
- Proximity
- Context
- Expectation
- Uniqueness or upstandingness
- Attention
- Determination of Attention
- Personal Determination of attention
- Motivation
- Features of motivation
- The process of motivation
- Traditional concept of motivation
- Motivation and marketing
- Perceptual maping
- Attitudes
- Adaptation level
- Stimulus Determinants of attention
- Size
- Colour
- Intensity
- Contrast
- Silhouette
- Position
- Directionality
- Movement
- Isolation
- Introductory question
- Novelty
- Attractive spokesperson, or anchor
- Family
- Types of family
- The nuclear family
- The extended family
- The family of orientation
- The family of procreation
- Perspective for viewing a family
- Family life cycle
- How family behaviour is influences to induce purchase behaviour
- Culture
- Study of cross-cultural -differences for a foreign marketer
- Social Classes
- Primary and secondary groups
- Formal and informal groups
- Models of consumer behaviour
- The conflict models of men
- The machine model of man
- The open system model of man
- Sub-field 1: organisational attributes
- Corporate and marketing goals
- Brand and product features
- Environmental factors
- The nature of the message
- Sub-field 2 : Types of customers
- Limitation of the Model
- The Howard-Sheth Model
- Advantage of the model
- Limitation of the model
- The Engel , Kolhat, and Blackwell (EKB) model
- Central Controlling Unit (CCU)
- Consumer information processing
- The purchase process
- Intangible reasons for buying a product, or service
- Intangible reasons in the mind of the customer
- Intangible reasons the customer looks for in the salesman
- Consumer characteristics
- Geographic Characteristics
- Geographic location and terrain
- Country size
- City, or town size
- Climate and weather
- Population density
- Force major
- Demographic characteristic
- Age
- Income
- Gender
- Occupation
- Education
- Religion
- Race
- Family life cycle
- Family size
- Nationality
- Pscychographic Characteristic
- Culture
- Life style
- WHIMS and Fancies
- Personality
- Social Class
- Behavioural Characteristic
- Usage Rate
- Loyalty Status
- Perishable nature of some product/services
- Social factors
- Readiness Stage
- Attitude towards the product
- User Status
- Occasion
- Benefits sought
- Types of customer
- By temperament
- By Gender
- By age
- By residential area
- By physical or mental stage
- By Income
- By frequency of travel
- By Region of the world
- By Stage in the purchase process
- By the stage in the purchase cycle
- Buying motives
- Classification of buying motives
- Product buying motives
- Product emotional motives
- Product rational motives
- Patronage buying motives
- Emotional Patronage motives
- Rational Patronage motives
- Consumer adoption process
- Cognitive dissonance
- Mass Communication buyer behaviour
- Product
- Product level
- Product line
- Product Branding
- How to create and promote a brand
- MDS and branding
- The branding theory of David ogilvy
- Packaging
- Product Mix
- Product life cycle
- Introduction stage
- Growth
- Maturity stage
- Decline
- New product development
- Idea generation
- Idea Screening
- Concept development and testing
- Marketing strategy development
- Business analysis
- Product development
- Market testing
- Commercialisation
- Price
- The method of price setting
- Pricing objectives
- Determining demand
- Cost estimation
- Analysing competitors prices
- Selecting pricing method
- Cost plus pricing
- Target profit pricing
- Perceived value pricing
- Going rage pricing
- Sealed BID pricing
- Selecting the final price
- The Third P : Promotion
- Advertising : The first component of the third P
- Definition of advertising
- A Definition of Advertising management
- Classification of advertising
- Classification based on function
- Informative advertising
- Persuasive Advertising
- Anti-cognitive advertising
- Reminder advertising
- Negative advertising
- Classification based on region
- Global Advertising : Promoting throughout the world
- National advertising : Promoting only in one nation
- Regional advertising : Promoting only in a region
- Local advertising : Promoting only in a limited area of the city or in a small city
- Classification based on targeted market
- Consumer product advertising : Promoting product and services in consumer market
- Industrial Product advertising : Promoting product and services in Industrial markets
- Trade advertising : Promoting Hook the member of distribution channels
- Professional advertising : Promoting products and services for selling professionals
- Financial advertising : promoting financial tools for selling to targeted audiences/Investors
- Classification based on company demand j
- Primary demand advertising : Promoting to increase the demand of a product category
- Selective demand advertising : Promoting to increase the demand of product of a firm
- Classification based on desired responses
- Direct action advertising : Promoting the product to get immediate responses
- Indirect action advertising : Promoting the product build a brand image
- Surrogate advertising : Promoting a socially unacceptable indirectly or under the guise of a commonly use product
- Classification based on the sale of product or services
- Product Advertising : Promoting the product
- Service advertising : Promoting the service
- Concept advertising : Promoting the concept
- Commercial concept advertising : Promoting concept for commercial gain
- Societal concept advertising : Promoting the concept for societal gain
- Classification based on What the advertiser tries to promote
- Institutional advertising : Promoting for Building or changing the brand image as a society - friendly entity
- Advocacy advertising : Promoting to change attitudes
- Product advertising : Promoting products
- Service advertising : Promoting products
- Individual advertising : Promoting people
- Classification based on the media used to issue advertisement
- Audio advertising : Promoting through sound and musing
- Visual advertising : Promoting through visual display
- Audio-Visual Advertising : Promoting through TV, Cinema and video images
- Written advertising : Promoting through written text
- Internet advertising : Promoting through the information super highway
- Verbal advertising : Promoting through voice and gestures
- Objectives of advertising
- Informs
- Persuades
- Reduces cognitive dissonance
- Reminds
- Creates or Maintains a brand image
- Create an environment - friendly or society oriented image
- Difference between advertising and advertisement
- Difference between advertising and personal selling
- Advertising and socio-economic MILIEU
- procedures and advertising
- Wholesaler and advertising
- Retailers and advertising
- Consumer and advertising
- Society and advertising
- Advertising strategies at local, regional, national and international level
- Advertising is the handmade of marketing
- Critiques of and encomium on advertising
- Economic argument
- Economic argument : the bouquets of encomium
- Economic argument : The brickbats of critique
- Social Argument
- Social Argument : The Bouquets of Encomium
- Social argument : The Brickbats of critique
- Moral Argument
- Moral argument the bouquets of encomium
- Moral argument : The brickbats of critique
- Political Argument
- Political argument : the bouquets of Encomium
- Political arguments : the bouquets of critiques
- Legal argument
- Legal argument : The bouquets of encomium
- Legal argument : The bouquets of critiques
- The future of advertising
- Sales Promotion
- Tools of sales promotion
- Consumer promotion tools
- Trade promotion tools
- Business promotion tools
- Features of sales promotion
- The sales promotional campaign
- Promotion mix
- Personal selling
- BENOB presentation
- The fab approach
- How to combine the bind and selling sequences
- Publicity
- The Fourth P : Physical Doistribution
- Rational for creating and maintaining marketing channels
- The nature of marketing channel
- Basic flows in a marketing channel
- Types of middle man
- Channel levels in conventional marketing
- Zero - Level channel
- One - Level Channel
- Two -Level Channel
- Three - Level Channel
- The Fifth P : Power
- The Sixth P : Personal Relation
- Definition
- Nature
- Difference between marketing PR and PR
- The fons ET Origo and growth of the concept of PR
- Function of PR : The view of the PRSA
- Components of the PR function
- Publicity
- Advertising
- Public affairs
- Issues management
- Lobbying
- Investor relation
- Development
- Marketing Communication
- Integrating Marketing Communication
- Rules for Integrated Marketing Communication
- Public Opinion
- How public opinion is formed
- What are interest groups
- Propaganda
- Tenets of propaganda
- Method of propaganda
- The Final Picture
Radio and TV as Media of Communication (Bullet Points)
- The frequency ranges
- Important terms of TV
- Spot TV
- cable TV
- Arrival of cable TV:The new reincarnation of TV
- Radio
- Radio Production
- Music processing on the digital computer
- Public address system
Colonial Structure of Communication (Bullet points)
- Global Communication is as old as Man Himself
- The Medieval Age
- The Modern Age
- The first world war
- Efforts for the promotion of press freedom
- Contribution of the league of nations
- The second world war
- The UNO and Freedom of Information
- The un conference on freedom of information
- Instruments to achieve the aim of freedom of information
- Failure of the un conference on freedom of information
- Impact of Decolonisation on other nation of the world
- China
- Cuba
- japan
- Russia and the cis states
- The cis states
- Britain
- Austria
- Bolivia
- Taiwan
- Romania
- Yogoslavia
- Germany
- Italy
- Hungry
- Iran
- Pakistan
- Word association of Press Council
- Preamble
- Objectives of the association
- Membership
- Focus areas
- Conflict related to Media coverage and representation
- International News agency : A critique
- Definition and basic concept
- Development of news agencies in India
- Rationale for using wire services
- Origin of wire services
- International news agencies
- Reuters
- Associated press
- Agence france-presse
- The UPI
- The tass
- The pana
- The oana
- The asin
- The alai
- Pacnews
- India abroad news services
- The opecna
- The nanap
- Deterrin
- The DPA
- The mena
- The cana
- Critique of international news agencies
- The macbride commission :recommendations and policy options
- The role of the UNESCO
- The NIEO
- The Macbride Commission
- The Report of the Macbride commission
- After the report
- Media Convergence : Problem and options
- Origin of Media Convergence
- The Tenets of Communication convergence
- Convergence is synonymous with ICE
- Convergence of ICE : Some Glaring Examples
- How are the Media alie
- Major Types of Media convergence
- Cable TV
- Satellite transmissions
- Videotex
- Video text
- Teletext
- Video conferncing
- Video phone
- Cellular Phone with camera
- Voip
- Others
- Advantages of convergence
- Disadvantages of convergence
- Four Theories of the press
- The authoritarian theory of the press
- The communist theory of the press
- The libertarian theory of the press
- The social responsibility theory
Research Methods and Process (Bullet Points)
- Marketing Research
- Rational
- Definitions
- Basic and Applied research
- characteristics of Marketing research
- Objectives of Marketing research
- Function of Marketing research
- Scope of Marketing research
- Errors in Marketing Research
- Errors due to poorly defined goals and proccedures
- Errors in conducting surveys and studies for research
- Errors in processing due to use of wrong tools
- Research Methodology : Meaning and Procedural guidelines
- The statement of Research objectives and research problem
- Preparation of a list of required information
- Preparation of research design
- Selection of sample type
- Determination of the sample size
- Data collection and processing
- Analysis and interpretation
- Presentation and follow through
- Implementation of results
- Persons/Firms in the research process
- Decision Maker
- Researcher
- Targeted respondent
- Types of research
- Exploratory Research
- Design of Exploratory studies
- Study of Secondary Data
- Survey of Individuals
- Analysis of selected cases
- Conclusion research
- Descriptive Research
- Design in descriptive research
- The Case study method
- Statistical Methods
- Experiment
- Experimental Deesign
- After only Design
- Before after Design
- Before after with control group design
- Four group six study design
- After only with control group design
- Ex post facto design
- Continuous diary panel design
- Factorial design
- Latin Square design
- Nature And Sources of Data
- Types of Data
- Primary Data
- Objectives of collection of primary data
- Sources of primary data
- Secondary Data
- Objectives of collection of Secondary Data
- Types of Secondary Data
- Internal Data
- External Data
- Sources of Secondary Dat
- Techniques of Data Collection
- Techniques of Data Collection
- Factors for selecting a Data collection methods
- Techniques for collection of secondary data
- Techniques for collection of primary data
- field techniques for collection of primary data
- Natures of field techniques
- Field techniques for collecting primary data
- Door to door interviews
- Group interviews
- Mall intercept interviews
- Conference interviews
- Observation
- Natural direct unobtrusive observation
- Contrived observaion
- Mechanical ovservation
- Indirect observation
- Questionnaire
- Structured non-disguised questionnaire
- Non-structured non-disguised questionnaire
- Non-structured, disguised questionnaire
- Structured,disguised questionnaire
- Frequency distribution
- Tenets of frequency distribution
- Mutually exclusive and overlapping classes
- Construction of a frequency distribution table
- Class limits and class marks
- Measures of Central Tendency and Variation
- Mean
- Arithmetic mean or average
- Calculating arithmetic mean from grouped data
- Geometric mean
- Harmonic mean
- Median
- Calculation of median from ungrouped data
- Calculation of median from grouped data
- Mode
- Relationship between Mean,Median and mode
- Variation or dispersion
- Measures of variation or dispersion
- Range
- Merits and demerits of range
- Inter-quartile range and quartile deviation
- Merits and demerits of quartile deviation (QD)
- Mean deviation
- Merits and demerits of mean devition
- Standard deviation
- Co-efficient of variation
- Use of co-efficient of variation
- Relationship among various measures of dispersion
- applications
- Measures of skewness and kurtosis
- Measures of Correlation
- Measure of correlation and regression
- Karl pearson"s co-efficient of correaltion
- Merits and demerits of karl pearson"s co-efficient
- Co-efficient of correlation by rank differences
- Two-way frequency Table
- Scatter diagram
- Measurement of regression
- Regression lines and the co-efficient of correlation
- Sampling and Statistical Testing
- Reasons for sampling
- Theoretical basis for sampling
- Basic concept of sampling
- Statistics ,parameters,and population
- Requisite features of sampling
- Methods of sampling
- Random or probability sampling
- Unrestricted random sampling
- Lottery method
- Tables of random numbers
- Restricted random sampling
- Stratified sampling
- Systematic sampling
- Multistage sampling
- Non-random or judgement sampling
- judgement sampling(Purposive sampling)
- Convenience sampling
- quota sampling
- Central limit theorem
- Statistical Testing Research
- Testing the hypothesis: general procedure
- The null hypothesis
- Alternative hypothesis
- Significance level
- Two-tailed and one-tailed tests of hypothesis
- Hypothesis testing of means:samples with population standard deviation
- Two-tailed tests of means
- One- tailed test of means
- Hypothesis testing of proportions
- Two-tailed test of proporions
- One-tailed test of proportions
- Hypothesis testing for differences between two population parameters
- Hypothesis testing for difference between means
- Hypothesis tests for difference between proportions
- T-Distribution
- Chi-square test
- Calculating degrees of freedom
- Using the chi square test
- Mass communication Research
- Definition
- The Paradigm of Mass Communication research
- The relationship of theory with mass communication research
- Critique of mass communication research
- Communication research : A historical overview (Global development)
- Types of Mass Communication research
- Studies to determine influences of content
- History
- Gatekeeping
- Social Influences
- Relationship between reporters and sources
- Cultural studies in the united states
- Media Violence
- Knowledge gape
- News gathering
- Types of influences of content
- Influences of content : The Indian case
- Mass Media Effect research
- How communication has an effect
- What are Mass Media Effects studies
- Models of Media Effects
- Hypodermic Needle Model
- The Limited effects model
- A brief history of Media effects studies
- Types of Media effects
- Direct effects of the Mass Media
- Political Effects of the Mass Media
- Violence
- Sexual Content
- Consequences of pornographic viewing
- The meese commision report
- Horror
- Disaster themes
- Love and Romance
- News and Views
- Strengths of Mass Media Effects Research
- Limitation of Mass Media Effects Research
- Uses and gratifications research
- Communication in India
- Landmark studies related to the sitePractical problems
- Analysis by connoisseurs
- Post site scenario
- Efforts of and results delivered by the iimc
- Projects undertaken by the iimc
- Communication research in India:trends of the past
- Priority areas defined during the eighties
- Media effects in India :latest trends
- Demographic impact of the media
- Age group
- Gender
- Family size
- Family life cycle
- Income
- Occupation
- Education
- Race
- Nationality
- Sociological impact of the media
- Economic effects of the media
- Marketing research and its relationship with communication ,especially with advertising
- Marketing research
- Product research
- Define a product strategy
- Get new product ideas
- Develop preliminary procedures to sift good ideas
- Develop final procedures to sift best ideas
- Develop product specifications
- Techniques of data collection
- Self reporting models
- Conjoint analysis
- Product testing
- Paired comparison Test
- Staggered comparison tests
- Disguised comparison Method
- Test marketing
- Pretest marketing research
- Full-fledged test marketing
- Other variables to be measured
- Selection is test markets
- Projecting the results
- Consumer research
- Scope of consumer research
- The need for consumer research in the modern era
- Functions of consumer research
- Locates customers
- Locates people with purchasing power
- Locates people who need products and services of the firm
- Determines buying motives of consumers (motivation research)
- Nature of motivation research
- Study of buying motives of customers
- Studies other motivation variables
- Attitudes
- Beliefs
- Habits
- Customs
- Studies consumer behaviour
- Market research
- Analysis of competitors
- Advertising research
- Rational for using advertising research
- Advantage of advertising research
- Disadvantage of advertising research
- Types of advertising research
- Steategic advertising research
- Target audience research
- Message research
- Concept testing
- Copy- testing
- Criteria used in copy testing
- Recognition
- Recall
- Persuation
- Purchase behaviour
- Latest information on copy testing
- Media research
- Evaluative advertising research
- Message post-testing Before-after testing
- Market research
- Analysis of competitors
- Persuasive effects of the media
- Intentional persuasion of the media
- Principles of media persuasion
- News
- Agenda setting theory
- The Indian scenario
- Content analysis
- Desirables prerequisites of content analysis
- Applications of content analysis
- The procedure of content analysis
- Formulate a research question or hypothesis
- Define the universe
- Select a sample
- Select a unit of analysis
- Create categories of content
- How many and what categories to be decided
- Set up quantification system
- Train coders
- Code the content
- Analyse the data
- Interpret the results
- Reliability in content analysis
- Validity of content analysis
- Advantage of content analysis
- Limitations of content analysis
Communication and Theories of Social Change (Bullets Point)
- The system : Tenets given by rosengren
- The value system, society and culture
- Views of experts
- The Indian Experience
- Socio-Economic Chang In India(1951-75)
- Socio-Economic Change In India(1975-91)
- Socio-Economic Change in India(1991-2004)
- How the Media would effect societal transformation in India
- What is the paradigm
- The concept of the culture communication and development
- Culture
- Communication
- Development
- The concept of the social change view of Schramm
- What is social change
- How is social change effected
- Paradigms on communication for development
- The asian model
- The old paradigm
- Critique of the old paradigm
- The package programmes model
- Critique of the package programmes model
- The ruttan-hayami Innovation model
- Critique of the Ruttan-hayami innovation model
- The modernisation paradigm
- History
- Growth
- Critique of the two-step flow theory
- Critique of the Modernisaion paradigm
- The dependence paradigm
- Definition of dependency
- Glaring features of the dependency paradigm
- Cultural dependency
- Critique of the dependency paradigm
- The multiplicity paradigm
- The concept of multiplicity paradigm
- Three dialectic-ANALYTIC TRENDS
- Trend 1: A multidimensionl development and communication model
- Trend 2 : Culturalistic communication for development
- Trend 3 : The another development communication model for development
- The Participatory model
- Critique of the participatory model
- The dominant paradigm
- Critique of the dominant paradegm
- Critique of the dominant paradigm:latest views
- The alternative paradigm
- Culture, Communication and social change
- The role of mass communication in National Development
- The media as watchemenTattention
- The mass media can raise aspirations
- The mass media Create an environment for development
- The media in the decision process
- They can feed interpersonal channels
- They can confer status
- They can broaden the policy dialogue
- They can enforce social norms
- They can help shape tastes
- They can change attitudes
- The mass media as teachers
- Change in developing nations(1964-74)
- Globalisation of culture : Genesis and beyond
- Advantages of globalisation of culture
- Disadvantages of globalisation of culture
- Cultural identity, collective identity,and cultural invasion
- Solutions for the new era
- Development initiatives : The Indian Context
- Development initiatives taken by the state
- Development initiatives taken by non government organisation
- The media and social change
- Television and social change
- Radio and social change
- The Media and Social Change
- The press and social change
- Cinema and social change
- Music and social change
- The net and social change
- Latest views on communication and social change
- Mass Communication and Socio-Economic Development
- Mass Communication and rural Development
- A note on development communication
- Roles of development Communication
- Features of development communication
- The roles of the Media in Development communication
- Approaches to the relationship between communication and development
- Conclusion
History of Print and Broadcast Media (Bullet Points)
- A quick journey through the annals of Indian History
- Prehistoric Cultures and Stone Age
- Indus Valley Civilisation
- Dravidian Civilisation (Unknown Dates)
- Vedic Age
- Early Vedic Age (Purva Veic Kala)
- Later Vedic Age (Uttar Vedic Kala)
- Influene of Buddhism and Jainism on Indian society
- Influence of Buddhism
- Inclusence of Jainism
- The Invatosions (522 BC to 323)
- The Mauryan Empire
- The Sungas
- The Kanvas
- The Kushanas (Circas First Century AD to Third Century AD)
- The Gupta Dynasty
- The Pushyabhutis (Late Sixth Century AD to 647 AD)
- The Pallavas
- The Chalukyas
- The Palas
- The Rashtrakutas (Mid Eighth Century to 753 AD)
- The Pratiharas (Early Ninth Century AD to Early Tenth Century AD)
- The Cholas
- The Muslim Invasion of India
- Delhi Sultanate
- The Slave Dynasty
- The Tughlaq Dynasty
- The Sayyed Dynasty
- Lodhi Dynasty
- Mughal Empire
- Babar
- Humayun
- Akbar
- Jahangir
- Shahajahan
- Arurangzeb
- Decline of the Mughals
- Bahadur Shah Zafar
- The Sikhs
- Guru Nanak Dev
- Guru Angad Dev
- Guru Amardas
- Guru Ramdas
- Guru Arjan Dev
- Guru Hargovind
- Gru Har Rai
- Guru Harikrishan
- Guru Tegbahadur
- Guru GovindSingh
- The Portugese
- Rise of the Dutch in the East
- The Marathas
- The British Raj
- Robert Clive
- Vansittart
- Robert Clive
- Henry Verelist
- Warren Hastings
- Lord Cornwallis
- Lord William Bentick
- Charles Metcalf
- Lord Auckland
- Lord Elenborough
- Henry Harding
- Lord Dalhousie
- Lord Canning
- Lord Elign
- Sir John Lawrence
- Lord Mayo
- Lord Northbrook
- Lord Lytton
- Lord ripon
- Lord Curzon
- Lord Minot II
- Monto Morley Reforms
- Lord Differin
- Lord Lansdwne
- Lord Elgin II
- Lord Hardinge II
- Lord Chelmsford
- Lord Irwin
- Lord Wellington
- Lord Linlithgo
- Cripps Mission
- Lord Wavell
- Lord Mountbatten
- Indian Independence
- Language
- History of The Print Media English
- Prarambhi Yug
- Bhartengu Yug
- Dwivedi Yug
- Gandhi Yug
- Post Independence Yug
- History of the Print Media other languages of India
- Post - Independence development in Print
- Newspaper : English and Indian Language Press
- Magazines
- The role of Magazine in Indian Context
- The Book Phase
- Contemporary Situation
- Small Newspaper
- Press Commission and Press councils
- First Press Commission
- Terms of Reference
- Reports
- Major Recommendations
- Protection of Religious Sentiments
- Law of Contempt of Legislature
- More Newspapers
- Price-Page Schedule
- Legislative Control
- Separate Account for Each paper
- Restrictive Practices
- Objectionable Advertisements
- Advertising Council
- Appointment of Registrar of Newspaper In India
- Foreign News
- Press Facilities
- Travel Facilities
- Advertisements of The Governments
- Advertisement Tariffs
- Despatches of Foreign Correspondent
- Declaration of Ownership
- Personal Publicity
- Government Publication
- Limitation of profits
- Diffusion of Ownership
- Concentration of Ownership
- Monopolies
- Indianisation of the press
- Advertising Agencies
- Editorials
- The second press commission
- Terms of reference
- The Report of Commission
- Key Problem Areas
- First Press Council
- Objectives of The First Press Council
- Composition of the first press council
- Terms of office of the first press council
- Functions of the first press council
- Inquiry committees Hearings open to public
- Power of the first press council
- Civil court powers of the first press council
- Censuring power of the first press council
- Power of the first Press Council to Make regulations
- The government and the first press council
- Formulation of a code of conduct for journalists
- Guidelines of the first press council for the press
- Second Press Council
- Third Press Council
- Major Features of the third press council
- Set-u and operation of the third press council
- Development of Radio
- Technical Data Related to radio transmission
- Features of Radio
- Advantages of Radio
- Disadvantages of Radio
- Brief History of Radio
- Arrival of Radio in India
- The Sixties
- The Seventies
- The Eighties
- The Nineties
- The New Millennium
- Channels of All India Radio
- Primary Channels
- National Channel
- Vividh Bharati (Commercial Broadcastng Service)
- FM Channels
- External Services
- Yuvavani : Listening Power for the youth
- The Air and new technology
- Number of radio sets
- Radio and Economic Development
- Future
- Development of Television in India
- Feature of Television
- Advantage of the Idiot Box
- Disadvantages of the Idiot box
- TV : An Invention for the Masses
- History of Television in India
- The Capital takes the lead
- The Sixties
- The seventies
- The site phase
- Evaluation of the Site
- Post-site phase
- The eighties : The Asiad Phase
- The Nineties : Post Asiad Phase
- Cable TV Revolution
- The Present Scenario
- Satellites used in TV Transmission
- Private Players
- More Effective for News, Views and Entertainment
- Doordarshan Operations during the present times
- DD National
- DD Metro
- DD Sports
- DD Bharati
- DD India
- Gyan Darshan
- Regional Channels of the DD
- TV Technology
- Software of TV
- Popular soap Operas
- Television rating points : The Benchmarks for TV serials
- Doordarshan Network
- Prasar Bharati
- TV and Economic Development
- Committees in Broadcasting
- Committees in Broadcasting
- Indian Cinema
- The Origin of cinema
- Features of Cinema
- Advantages of Cinema
- Disadvantages of Cinema
- An Humble Begining
- Bollywood Saga (1901-10)
- Bollywood Saga (1911-20)
- Bollywood Saga (1921-30)
- Bollywood Saga (1931-40)
- Bollywood Saga (1941-50)
- Bollywood Saga (1951-60)
- Bollywood Saga (1961-70)
- Bollywood Saga (1971-80)
- Bollywood Saga (1981-90)
- Bollywood Saga (1991-2000)
- Bollywood Saga (2001-------)
- Bollywood Box Office : Latest Facts and Figures
- CATV and Cinema
- DVD/VCD Players and Cinema
- Drama and Cinema
- Types of Cinema
- Commercial Cinema
- Parallel Cinema
- Middle-Road Cinema
- Corporate and Government organisation associated with media
- Important Data related to the media in India
Journalism as a profession (Bullets Points)
- What is a Profession
- Major Feature of profession
- Who is professional
- Who is Professional
- Regulation of profession
- The current scenario : A amazing trend
- Mass Communication tools
- Journalism as Profession
- How an Events becomes a news
- Major feature of journalism
- Journalist : Their roles and responsibilities
- Roles of journalist
- Responsibility of journalists
- Ethics and journalism
- Three theory of press responsibility
- What is Pluralism
- What Participatory Society
- Ethics : the concept
- Ethics : Some facts
- What is the solution
- International principles of professional ethics
- The code of ethics in journalism
- India Constitution and freedom of the Press
- History of freedom of the press in India
- Article 19 (1) (A) : Freedom of Speech and Expression
- Scope of freedom of the press
- Freedom in not absolute
- Freedom and proclamation of emergency
- Suspension of the write during emergency
- Training problems perception and response by the Industry
- Who is better : An author or a journo
- History of training in India
- The academic scenario
- The State and Educational scenario
- Indian Institute of Mass Communication
- Press Institute of India
- Research, reference and training division
- Problem in the field of training
- Professional journalism and ethical journalism
- Seventh things journos should be trained in
- Media Management
- What Technology
- Institution
- Cultural forms
- Mediation
- Why should manage the media
- Defining a Media Organisation
- How message are created and sold
- Why Media Firms are unique
- Responsibility of Media company
- Types of Media Managers
- Media Managers in Radio Broadcasting
- Media managers in TV Broadcasting
- General Manager
- Business Manager
- News director
- sales manager
- Programme director
- Media manager in the print media
- Media Laws in India
- The east India company (18th century )
- The Telegraph (1776)
- The Bengal Gazette (1780)
- The India World
- First regulation on the press (1799)
- Lord Minto (1808-13)
- Modification of censorship (1813)
- Abolition of censorship (1818)
- The Munro report
- Regulation for registration (1823)
- Liberalisation moves of metcalfe and Macaulay : Act XI (1835)
- The mutiny and vernacular press act (1857)
- Indian Penal code (1860)
- Press and registration of Books act 1867
- Vernacular press act 1878
- Repeal of the vernacular press act - 1882
- The Indian Telegraph act - 1882
- Control of telephones and telegraphs
- To detain or paraphrase telegrams
- Secret communication
- Indian Post office act - 1898
- News paper
- Control of postal communication
- Censor
- Interference with postal and telegraphic communication
- Newspaper (Incitement to offences act - 1908
- The Indian press act - 1910
- Police (Incitement of disaffection act 1922)
- The official Secret Act - 1923
- Wrongful communication
- The Indian Press (Emergency power act 1931)
- Foreign relation act 1932
- Defence of India act 1939
- Constitution of India 1950
- Language of stage - 1950
- Protection of publication proceeding - 1950
- Authoritative texts in Hindi language - 1950
- Article 19 : Protection of certain right of freedom of speech 1950
- Article 19 : Freedom of expression 1950
- Article 19 : Freedom of the press 1950
- Article 19 (2) and advertisement (1950)
- Article 19 : Defamation by the press - 1950
- Freedom of speech and expression : Ruling of the supreme court of India
- The constitution (Firm amendment act 1951)
- Press (Incitement to crimes bill - 1951
- The constitution (Second amendment act - 1952
- Contempt of court act 1952
- How to make mass media effective
- Radio, Television and films office division
- Drugs and Magic remedies (Objectionable advertisement act 1954)
- Working journalist and other newspaper employees condition of service) and miscellaneous provision act 1955 : Act 45
- Definition (Under Section 2)
- Application of Industrial dispute act 1947
- Wages and compensation on retrenchment
- Gratuity
- Explanation
- Press council act 1956
- Young persons (Harmful publication act 1956)
- Copyright act 1957
- Adaption
- Meaning of copyright
- Period of copyright
- Offences of copyright
- Infringement of copyright
- Seizure of infringe copies
- Plates for making infringing copies
- Disposal of copies
- False entries in register
- Making false statements
- Offences by companies
- Cognizance of offencees
- Appeals
- Infringing copy
- Infringement of copyright
- Working journalists(fixation of rates of wages)act(1958):act 29
- Committee
- Composition of the committee
- Functions of the committee
- Power and procedure of the committee (section 5)
- Enforcement of recommendations
- Recover of money
- Authentication of document
- Penalties [section 12(A)]
- Powers of the central government
- Research Restriction
- Media Organisations
- Advanced Commands of Microsoft Word
- Glossary of terms related to journalism and Media organisations
Role of Media in Society (Bullet Points)
- Mass and Masses
- The Fons ET Origo of the Mass India
- The media definition and concept
- Mass media
- Classification according to senses
- The role of Media in society
- Significance of the Media
- Roles played by the Media
- Functions of the Media
- Origin and Growth of the Media
- Characteristics of Indian Society
- Ironies of Development
- Latest Data on Indian Society
- The Economic Canvas
- The hot -cool model of the eighties
- Mass Media Models
- Impact of Media and Specific Audience
- The Print Media : A brief synopsis
- The Press Media : A brief Synopsis
- The Movie Media : A brief synopsis
- The Broadcast Media : A brief synopsis
- The music Media : A brief synopsis
- Traditional Media a whole-how contemplation
- Mass Communication for Specific Issues
- Theories of Media
- Ethics in Media Communications
- Key Features of the Media
- Sources of the Media Information
- Media weight theories
- Popular terms from the realm of the media world
- Nature of the Media
- Media Mathematics and Terms for Judging the Media
- Effects of the Media
Communication and Journalism (Bullet Points)
- Defining Communication
- Objectives of Communication
- Communication Function
- The Communication Process
- 7 C's of Communication '
- Ten Commandments of Good Communication
- Significance of language of mass communication (The Indian Context)
- Why Should Communication help in the growth of a developing country like India
- How can Communication help in the growth developing country like India
- Communication Models
- Mass Communication Models
- Five Revolutions of Communication
- Why Communication is Basic to Human Social Organisation
- Classification of Communication
- Communication Channel and Network
- Burning Issues in Communication
- Communication Mix
- Mass Communication and Culture
- Theories of Mass Communication
- Nature of Communication
- Mass Communication and enthography
- Journalism
- Canons of Journalism
- Journalism and Ethics
- Classification of Journalist and Correspondents
- Mass Communication in India : Reach, access and Nature of the audience
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