The Techniques (Bullet Points)

  1. Traits required in Writers, Editors and Journos 
  2. The Thrilling realm of writing 
    1. What is simple writing
    2. What is creativity
    3. You have many hurdles ahead of you
    4. How you can eliminates the hurdles 
    5. The golden rules for becoming a creative writer 
    6. Discipline to be observed
    7. A writer is a manager of a unique kind 
  3. The writing process 
    1. Get vital inputs 
    2. Plan
    3. Organise
    4. Staff
    5. Direct
    6. Control
    7. Submit
    8. Edit the first proof 
    9. keep in touch with publisher for subsequent proof 
    10. Go through the final proof 
    11. Pray for a good CRC
    12. Pray for the article or book to succeed
    13. Get remuneration or royalty 
  4. Writing Magazines 
    1. What you can write for a magazine 
    2. How to write an article for a magazine 
    3. How to judge an article 
  5. How to write short story 
    1. Major feature of a short story
    2. what you can write in short story 
    3. How to write a short story 
  6. How to write a long story 
  7. How to write a novels 
  8. How to write story for children 
    1. Writing for a children of age 2-5 years 
    2. Writing for a children of age 6-12 years 
    3. Writing for the age group of 12- 16 years
  9. How to write editorials of newspaper 
    1. How to write guest column 
    2. How to write an article for a news paper 
    3. How to cover events in a newspaper or magazine 
  10. specialist areas of journalism 
    1. Pack journalism 
    2. Public journalism 
      1. Areas of public journalism 
    3. Yellow journalism 
    4. Crime reporting 
      1. Types of crime 
      2. Some legal terms and procedure that a journo must know
      3. Contempt of court
      4. Examples of crime reporting 
      5. Procedures of a crime reporting 
    5. Depth reporting 
      1. Definition 
      2. Classification of depth reporting 
        1. Depth reporting in the print media 
          1. Investigative journalism 
          2. Feature writing 
            1. Types of features 
            2. How to manage a feature 
            3. How to write a feature 
          3. Column writing 
            1. Types of column 
          4. Book review 
          5. Editorial Writing 
        2. Depth reporting in broadcast media 
        3. Depth reporting in online journalism 
    6. Investigative journalism 
      1. Three levels of reporting 
      2. What is a dispute 
      3. Types of reporters 
      4. Definition 
      5. Why should we nature this concept 
      6. types of investigative journalism 
      7. It is a risky business 
      8. Quality and traits desired in an investigative journalist 
      9. What an investigative journalist is not supposed to do 
      10. Procedure of investigative journalism 
      11. History of Investigative journalism 
    7. Development journalism 
      1. Constraints  on the coverage of development news 
      2. Definition of development journalism 
      3. Prerequisites for becoming a development reporter 
      4. Electronic media and development journalism 
    8. Cheque Book journalism 
  11. Syndicates
  12. Freelancer or stringers
    1. Definition of freelancing 
    2. Problem faced by freelancers 
    3. How to operate as a stringer 
    4. Advantages of using freelancers 
    5. Disadvantages of using freelancers 
  13. News agency and press organisation operating in India  
    1. Press Trust of India (PTI)
    2. United News of India 
    3. Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool (NANA)
    4. Press Council of India 
    5. Research reference and training division
    6. Photo division 
    7. Publication division  

Advertising (Bullet Points)

  1. Tenets of Marketing and Marketing Management 
    1. Individual 
    2. Needs
    3. Wants
    4. Demand
    5. Product or Service
    6. Utility
    7. Value
    8. Satisfaction
    9. Exchange
    10. Transaction 
    11. Market
    12. Marketing
    13. The Marketer can be a buyer or a seller
    14. Management 
    15. Business Management 
    16. Marketing Management 
    17. Marketing Mix : Four P's of Marketing 
    18. Megamarketing : Six P's of Marketing 
  2. The Philosophies of Marketing management 
    1. The Production concept 
    2. Product concept 
    3. Selling concept 
    4. Marketing concept 
      1. Market focus 
      2. Customer Orientation 
      3. Co-ordinated marketing 
      4. Profitability 
    5. Societal Marketing Concept 
  3. Economic Importance of Marketing
  4. Marketing the Most vial activity of a business firm
  5. Major features of Marketing 
  6. A Brief overview of the marketing process
  7. Marketing environment 
    1. The micro Environment
    2. The macro Environment
  8. Demand forecasting 
    1. Survey methods of demand forecasting
      1. Jury of executive Opinion
      2. The delphi technique
      3.   Survey of buying plans
        1. Survey of customers buying plans(sample survey method)
        2. Survey of customers buying plans (Complete enumeration method)
        3. Survey of customers buying plans (End User Method)
      4. Poll of sales forces's opinion 
    2. Statistical Method of demand forecasting 
      1. Market factor analysis 
        1. Direct derivation method
        2. Correlation analysis 
      2. Projection of past sales or trend analysis 
      3. Regression analysis 
      4. Econometric model building method
  9. Market segmentation 
    1. Bases for market segmentation 
      1. Geography as a basis 
      2. Psychography as a basis 
        1. Social class
        2. Personality 
        3. Lifestyle 
      3. Demography as a basis 
        1. Nationality 
        2. Education 
        3. Age
        4. Gender 
        5. Income
        6. Family life cycle
        7. Race
        8. Religion 
        9. Occupation 
      4. Purpose as a basis
      5. Behaviour al response as a basis 
        1. Benefits desired from the product/service
        2. Usage rate
        3. The type of buying situation 
        4. User status 
        5. Occasions
        6. Loyalty status 
        7. Readiness stage
        8. Attitude toward the product or service
  10. Market targeting 
    1. Evaluation of market segment
  11. Product Positioning 
  12. Consumer Behaviour or Buyer Behaviour 
    1. Human behaviour
    2. Consumer behaviour
    3. Why should we study consumer behaviour
    4. Sovereignty of the consumer 
    5. Who is a Consumer 
    6. Determinants of consumer behaviour 
      1. Internal or endogenous variables 
        1. Needs
        2. Motives 
        3. Personality 
        4. Awareness 
          1. Attitude
          2. Perception 
            1. Selective perception
            2. Factor affecting perception 
            3. Internal factor affecting perception
            4. External factors affecting perception 
          3. Application in marketing 
          4. Gestalt psychology and perception
            1. Closure
            2. Proximate objects 
            3. Learning
              1. What learning is not 
              2. Types of learning 
                1. Associative learning 
                2. Cognitive learning 
              3. Elements of the learning process
              4. The application of the learning theory to consumer behaviour 
      2. External or Exogenous variables 
    7. Memory
    8. Gestalt psychology 
      1. Simplicity 
      2. Figures and ground
      3. Closure 
      4. Proximity 
      5. Context 
      6. Expectation 
      7. Uniqueness or upstandingness 
    9. Attention 
      1. Determination of Attention 
        1. Personal Determination of attention 
          1. Motivation 
            1. Features of motivation 
            2. The process of motivation 
            3. Traditional concept of motivation 
            4. Motivation and marketing 
            5. Perceptual maping 
          2. Attitudes
          3. Adaptation level 
        2. Stimulus Determinants of attention 
          1. Size
          2. Colour 
          3. Intensity 
          4. Contrast
          5. Silhouette 
          6. Position
          7. Directionality 
          8. Movement 
          9. Isolation 
          10. Introductory question 
          11. Novelty 
          12. Attractive spokesperson, or anchor
    10. Family
      1. Types of family 
        1. The nuclear family
        2. The extended family
        3. The family of orientation 
        4. The family of procreation 
      2. Perspective for viewing a family 
      3. Family life cycle 
      4. How family behaviour is influences to induce purchase behaviour 
    11. Culture 
      1. Study of cross-cultural -differences for a foreign marketer 
    12. Social Classes
      1. Primary and secondary groups
      2. Formal and informal groups 
    13. Models of consumer behaviour 
      1. The conflict models of men
      2. The machine model of man
      3. The open system model of man
        1. The NICOSIA MODEL 
          1. Sub-field 1: organisational attributes 
            1. Corporate and marketing goals 
            2. Brand and product features 
            3. Environmental factors 
            4. The nature of the message 
          2. Sub-field 2 : Types of customers 
          3. Limitation of the Model 
        2. The Howard-Sheth Model
          1. Advantage of the model
          2. Limitation of  the model 
          3. The Engel , Kolhat, and Blackwell (EKB) model 
            1. Central Controlling Unit (CCU)
            2. Consumer information processing 
            3. The purchase process
    14. Intangible reasons for buying a product, or service
      1. Intangible reasons in the mind of the customer 
      2. Intangible reasons the customer looks for in the salesman 
    15. Consumer characteristics 
      1. Geographic Characteristics
        1. Geographic location and terrain 
        2. Country size 
        3. City, or town size
        4. Climate and weather 
        5. Population density 
        6. Force major 
      2. Demographic characteristic 
        1. Age 
        2. Income
        3. Gender 
        4. Occupation 
        5. Education 
        6. Religion
        7. Race
        8. Family life cycle
        9. Family size
        10. Nationality 
      3. Pscychographic Characteristic 
        1. Culture 
        2. Life style 
        3. WHIMS and Fancies 
        4. Personality 
        5. Social Class 
      4. Behavioural Characteristic 
        1. Usage Rate
        2. Loyalty Status 
        3. Perishable nature of some product/services 
        4. Social factors
        5. Readiness Stage
        6. Attitude towards the product
        7. User Status 
        8. Occasion 
        9. Benefits sought 
    16. Types of customer 
      1. By temperament 
      2. By Gender
      3. By age
      4. By residential area 
      5. By physical or mental stage 
      6. By Income 
      7. By frequency of travel 
      8. By Region of the world 
      9. By Stage in the purchase process
      10. By the stage in the purchase cycle 
    17. Buying motives 
      1. Classification of buying motives 
        1. Product buying motives 
          1. Product emotional motives 
          2. Product rational motives 
        2. Patronage buying motives
          1. Emotional Patronage motives 
          2. Rational Patronage motives 
    18. Consumer adoption process
    19. Cognitive dissonance 
    20. Mass Communication buyer behaviour 
  13. Product
    1. Product level
    2. Product line
    3. Product Branding 
      1. How to create and promote a brand
      2. MDS and branding 
      3. The branding theory of David ogilvy 
    4. Packaging 
    5. Product Mix
    6. Product life cycle 
      1. Introduction stage 
      2. Growth
      3. Maturity stage 
      4. Decline 
    7. New product development 
      1. Idea generation 
      2. Idea Screening 
      3. Concept development and testing 
      4. Marketing strategy development 
      5. Business analysis 
      6. Product development 
      7. Market testing 
      8. Commercialisation 
  14. Price
    1. The method of price setting 
      1. Pricing objectives 
      2. Determining demand
      3. Cost estimation 
      4. Analysing competitors prices 
      5. Selecting pricing method
        1. Cost plus pricing 
        2. Target profit pricing 
        3. Perceived value pricing 
        4. Going rage pricing 
        5. Sealed BID pricing 
        6. Selecting the final price 
  15. The Third P : Promotion 
    1. Advertising : The first component  of the third P
      1. Definition of advertising 
      2. A Definition of Advertising management 
      3. Classification of advertising 
        1. Classification based on function
          1. Informative advertising 
          2. Persuasive Advertising 
          3. Anti-cognitive advertising 
          4. Reminder advertising 
          5. Negative advertising 
        2. Classification based on region 
          1. Global Advertising : Promoting throughout the world 
          2. National advertising : Promoting only in one nation
          3. Regional advertising : Promoting only in a region 
          4. Local advertising :  Promoting only in a limited area of the city or in a small city
        3. Classification based on targeted market 
          1. Consumer product advertising  : Promoting product and services in consumer market 
          2. Industrial Product advertising  : Promoting product and services in Industrial markets 
          3. Trade advertising : Promoting Hook the member of distribution channels 
          4. Professional advertising : Promoting products and services for selling professionals 
          5. Financial advertising : promoting financial tools for selling to targeted audiences/Investors
        4. Classification based on company demand j
          1. Primary demand advertising : Promoting to increase the demand of a product category 
          2. Selective demand advertising : Promoting to increase the demand of product of a firm
        5. Classification based on desired responses 
          1. Direct action advertising : Promoting the product to get immediate responses 
          2. Indirect action advertising : Promoting the product build a brand image 
          3. Surrogate advertising : Promoting a socially unacceptable indirectly or under the guise of a commonly use product 
        6. Classification based on the sale of product or services 
          1. Product Advertising : Promoting the product
          2. Service advertising : Promoting the service
          3. Concept advertising : Promoting the concept
            1. Commercial concept advertising : Promoting concept for commercial gain 
            2. Societal concept advertising : Promoting the concept for societal gain 
        7. Classification based on What the advertiser tries to promote 
          1. Institutional advertising : Promoting for Building or changing the brand image as a society - friendly entity 
          2. Advocacy advertising : Promoting to change attitudes 
          3. Product advertising  : Promoting products 
          4. Service advertising : Promoting products 
          5. Individual advertising : Promoting people 
        8. Classification based on the media used to issue advertisement 
          1. Audio advertising : Promoting through sound and musing 
          2. Visual advertising : Promoting through visual display 
          3. Audio-Visual  Advertising : Promoting through TV, Cinema and video images 
          4. Written advertising : Promoting through written text
          5. Internet advertising : Promoting through the information super highway 
          6. Verbal advertising : Promoting through voice and gestures 
      4. Objectives of advertising 
        1. Informs
        2. Persuades 
        3. Reduces cognitive dissonance 
        4. Reminds
        5. Creates or Maintains a brand image 
        6. Create an environment - friendly or society oriented image 
      5. Difference between advertising and advertisement 
      6. Difference between advertising and personal selling
      7. Advertising and socio-economic MILIEU
        1. procedures and advertising 
        2. Wholesaler and advertising 
        3. Retailers and advertising 
        4. Consumer and advertising 
        5. Society and advertising 
      8. Advertising strategies at local, regional, national and international level 
      9. Advertising is the handmade of marketing 
      10. Critiques of and encomium on advertising 
        1. Economic argument 
          1. Economic argument : the bouquets of encomium 
          2. Economic argument : The brickbats of critique
        2. Social Argument 
          1. Social Argument : The Bouquets of Encomium 
          2. Social argument : The Brickbats of critique 
        3. Moral Argument 
          1. Moral argument the bouquets of encomium 
          2. Moral argument : The brickbats of critique 
        4. Political Argument 
          1. Political argument : the bouquets of Encomium 
          2. Political arguments : the bouquets of critiques 
        5. Legal argument 
          1. Legal argument : The bouquets of encomium 
          2. Legal argument : The bouquets of critiques 
      11. The future of advertising 
    2. Sales Promotion 
      1. Tools of sales promotion 
        1. Consumer promotion tools 
        2. Trade promotion tools 
        3. Business promotion tools
      2. Features of sales promotion 
      3. The sales promotional campaign 
      4. Promotion mix 
    3. Personal selling 
      1. BENOB presentation 
      2. The fab approach 
      3. How to combine the bind and selling sequences 
      4. Publicity 
  16. The Fourth P : Physical Doistribution 
    1. Rational for creating and maintaining marketing channels 
    2. The nature of marketing channel 
    3. Basic flows in a marketing channel 
    4. Types of middle man
    5. Channel levels in conventional marketing 
      1. Zero - Level channel 
      2. One  - Level Channel 
      3. Two -Level Channel
      4. Three - Level Channel 
  17. The Fifth P : Power 
  18. The Sixth P : Personal Relation 
    1. Definition
    2. Nature 
    3. Difference between marketing PR and PR
    4. The fons ET Origo and growth of the concept of PR
    5. Function of PR : The view of the PRSA
    6. Components of the PR function 
      1. Publicity 
      2. Advertising 
      3. Public affairs 
      4. Issues management 
      5. Lobbying 
      6. Investor relation 
      7. Development 
  19. Marketing Communication 
    1. Integrating Marketing Communication 
    2. Rules for Integrated Marketing Communication 
  20. Public Opinion 
    1. How public opinion is formed 
    2. What are interest groups 
  21. Propaganda 
    1. Tenets of propaganda 
    2. Method of propaganda 
  22. The Final Picture

Radio and TV as Media of Communication (Bullet Points)

  1. The frequency ranges 
  2. Important terms of TV 
    1. Spot TV
    2. cable TV
      1. Arrival of cable TV:The new reincarnation of TV
  3. Radio 
  4. Radio Production 
  5. Music processing on the digital computer 
  6. Public address system 

Colonial Structure of Communication (Bullet points)

  1. Global Communication is as old as Man Himself 
  2. The Medieval Age 
  3. The Modern Age 
    1. The first world war
    2. Efforts for the promotion of press freedom
    3. Contribution of the league of nations
    4. The second world war  
  4. The UNO and Freedom of Information 
    1. The un conference on freedom of information
      1. Instruments to achieve the aim of freedom of information
      2. Failure of the un conference on freedom of information     
  5. Impact of Decolonisation on other nation of the world
    1.  China
    2. Cuba
    3. japan
    4. Russia and the cis states
    5. The cis states
    6. Britain
    7. Austria
    8. Bolivia
    9. Taiwan
    10. Romania
    11. Yogoslavia
    12. Germany
    13. Italy
    14. Hungry
    15. Iran
    16. Pakistan
  6. Word association of Press Council 
    1. Preamble
    2. Objectives of the association
    3. Membership
    4. Focus areas
  7. Conflict related to Media coverage and representation 
  8. International News agency : A critique 
    1. Definition and basic concept
    2. Development of news agencies in India
    3. Rationale for using wire services
    4. Origin of wire services
    5. International news agencies
      1. Reuters 
      2. Associated press
      3. Agence france-presse
      4. The UPI
      5. The tass
      6. The pana
      7. The oana
      8. The asin
      9. The alai
      10. Pacnews
      11. India abroad news services
      12. The opecna
      13. The nanap
      14. Deterrin
      15. The DPA
      16. The mena
      17. The cana
    6. Critique of international news agencies
  9. The macbride commission :recommendations and policy options
    1. The NWICO
    2. The role of the UNESCO
    3. The NIEO
    4. The Macbride Commission 
    5. The Report of the Macbride commission 
    6. After the report

  10. Media Convergence : Problem and options 
    1. Origin of Media Convergence 
    2. The Tenets of Communication convergence 
    3. Convergence is synonymous with ICE
    4. Convergence of ICE : Some Glaring Examples
    5. How are the Media alie
    6. Major Types of Media convergence
      1. Cable TV
      2. Satellite transmissions
      3. Videotex
        1. Video text
        2. Teletext
        3. Video conferncing
        4. Video phone
        5. Cellular Phone with camera
        6. Voip
        7. Others
    7. Advantages of convergence
    8. Disadvantages of convergence
  11. Four Theories of the press 
    1. The authoritarian theory of the press
    2. The communist theory of the press
    3. The libertarian theory of the press
    4. The social responsibility theory

Research Methods and Process (Bullet Points)

  1. Marketing Research 
    1. Rational 
    2. Definitions 
    3. Basic and Applied research
    4. characteristics of Marketing research 
    5. Objectives of Marketing research 
    6. Function of Marketing research 
    7. Scope of Marketing research 
    8. Errors in Marketing Research 
      1. Errors due to poorly defined goals and proccedures 
      2. Errors in conducting surveys and studies for research
      3. Errors in processing due to use of wrong tools 
    9. Research Methodology : Meaning and Procedural guidelines 
      1. The statement of Research objectives and research problem 
      2. Preparation of a list of required information 
      3. Preparation of research design 
      4. Selection of sample type 
      5. Determination of the sample size 
      6. Data collection and processing 
      7. Analysis and interpretation 
      8. Presentation and follow through 
      9. Implementation of results 
      10. Persons/Firms in the research process 
        1. Decision Maker
        2. Researcher 
        3. Targeted respondent  
      11. Types of research
        1. Exploratory Research
          1. Design of Exploratory studies 
            1. Study of Secondary Data
            2. Survey of Individuals 
            3. Analysis of selected cases 
          2. Conclusion research
            1. Descriptive Research
              1. Design in descriptive research
                1. The Case study method 
                2. Statistical Methods 
              2. Experiment
                1. Experimental Deesign 
                  1. After only Design 
                  2. Before after Design
                  3. Before after with control group design 
                  4. Four group six study design 
                  5. After only with control group design 
                  6. Ex post facto design
                  7. Continuous diary panel design 
                  8. Factorial design
                  9. Latin Square design 
  2. Nature And Sources of  Data
    1. Types of Data
      1. Primary Data
        1. Objectives of collection of primary data
        2. Sources of primary data
      2. Secondary Data
        1. Objectives of collection of Secondary Data
        2. Types of Secondary Data
          1. Internal Data
          2. External Data
          3. Sources of Secondary Dat
  3. Techniques of Data Collection
    1. Techniques of Data Collection 
      1. Factors for selecting a Data collection methods
      2. Techniques for collection of secondary data
      3. Techniques for collection of primary data
        1. field techniques for collection of primary data
          1. Natures of field techniques 
          2. Field techniques for collecting primary data
            1. Door to door interviews
            2. Group interviews
            3. Mall intercept interviews 
            4. Conference interviews 
          3. Observation
            1. Natural direct unobtrusive observation
            2. Contrived observaion
            3. Mechanical ovservation
            4. Indirect observation
          4. Questionnaire
            1. Structured non-disguised questionnaire
            2. Non-structured non-disguised questionnaire
            3. Non-structured, disguised questionnaire
            4. Structured,disguised questionnaire
  4. Frequency distribution
    1. Tenets of frequency distribution
      1. Mutually exclusive  and overlapping classes
    2. Construction of a frequency distribution table
      1. Class limits and class marks
  5. Measures of Central Tendency and Variation 
    1. Mean
      1. Arithmetic mean or average
        1. Calculating arithmetic mean from grouped data
      2. Geometric mean 
      3. Harmonic mean
    2. Median
      1. Calculation of  median from ungrouped data
      2. Calculation of median from grouped data 
    3. Mode
    4. Relationship between Mean,Median and mode
    5. Variation or dispersion
      1. Measures of variation or dispersion
        1. Range
          1. Merits and demerits of range
        2. Inter-quartile range and quartile deviation
          1. Merits and demerits of quartile deviation (QD)
        3. Mean deviation
          1. Merits and  demerits of mean devition
        4. Standard deviation
          1. Co-efficient of variation 
            1. Use of co-efficient of variation
      2. Relationship among various measures of dispersion 
      3. applications 
    6. Measures of skewness and kurtosis 
    7. Measures of Correlation 
      1. Measure of correlation and regression
        1. Karl pearson"s  co-efficient of correaltion
          1. Merits and demerits of karl pearson"s co-efficient
        2. Co-efficient of correlation by rank differences
        3. Two-way frequency Table
        4. Scatter diagram 
      2. Measurement of regression
        1. Regression lines and the co-efficient of correlation
    8. Sampling and Statistical Testing 
      1. Reasons for sampling
      2. Theoretical basis for sampling
      3. Basic concept of sampling
        1. Statistics ,parameters,and  population
        2. Requisite features of sampling
      4. Methods of sampling
        1. Random or probability sampling
          1. Unrestricted random sampling
            1. Lottery method
            2. Tables of random numbers
            3. Restricted random sampling
              1. Stratified sampling
              2. Systematic sampling
              3. Multistage sampling
          2. Non-random or judgement sampling
            1. judgement sampling(Purposive sampling)
            2. Convenience sampling
            3. quota sampling 
      5. Central limit theorem 
    9. Statistical Testing  Research 
      1. Testing the hypothesis: general procedure
        1. The null hypothesis
        2. Alternative hypothesis
        3. Significance level
      2. Two-tailed and one-tailed tests of hypothesis
        1. Hypothesis testing of  means:samples with population standard deviation
          1. Two-tailed tests of means
          2. One- tailed test of means  
        2. Hypothesis testing of proportions 
          1. Two-tailed test of proporions
          2. One-tailed test of proportions
        3. Hypothesis testing for differences between two population parameters
        4. Hypothesis testing for difference between means
        5. Hypothesis tests for difference between proportions
      3. T-Distribution 
      4. Chi-square test
        1. Calculating degrees of freedom 
        2. Using the chi square test 
    10. Mass communication Research
      1. Definition 
      2. The Paradigm of Mass Communication research
      3. The relationship of theory with mass communication research
      4. Critique of mass communication research
      5. Communication research : A historical overview (Global development)
      6. Types of Mass Communication research
        1. Studies to determine influences of content 
          1. History 
          2. Gatekeeping 
          3. Social Influences 
          4. Relationship between reporters and sources 
          5. Cultural studies in the united states 
          6. Media Violence 
          7. Knowledge gape 
          8. News gathering 
          9. Types of influences of content 
          10. Influences of content : The Indian case
        2. Mass Media Effect research 
          1. How communication has an effect 
          2. What are Mass Media Effects studies 
          3. Models of Media Effects 
            1. Hypodermic Needle Model 
            2. The Limited effects model 
          4. A brief history of Media effects studies 
          5. Types of Media effects 
            1. Direct effects of the Mass Media 
            2. Political Effects of the Mass Media 
              1. Violence 
              2. Sexual Content 
                1. Consequences of pornographic viewing 
                2. The meese commision report
            3. Horror
            4. Disaster themes 
            5. Love and Romance
            6. News and Views 
          6. Strengths of Mass Media Effects Research 
          7. Limitation of Mass Media Effects Research 
        3. Uses and gratifications research
      7.  Communication in India
        1. Landmark studies related to the sitePractical problems
          1. Analysis by connoisseurs 
        2. Post site scenario
        3. Efforts of and results delivered by the iimc
          1. Projects undertaken by the iimc 
        4. Communication research in India:trends of the past
          1. Priority areas defined during the eighties  
        5. Media effects in India :latest trends
          1. Demographic impact of the media
            1. Age group
            2. Gender 
            3. Family size
            4. Family life cycle
            5. Income
            6. Occupation
            7. Education
            8. Race
            9. Nationality
          2. Sociological impact of the media
          3. Economic effects of the media
      8. Marketing research and its relationship with communication ,especially with advertising 
        1. Marketing research 
          1. Product research
            1. Define a product strategy
            2. Get new product ideas 
            3. Develop preliminary procedures to sift good ideas
            4. Develop final procedures to sift best ideas
            5. Develop product specifications
              1. Techniques of data collection
              2. Self reporting models
              3. Conjoint analysis 
            6. Product testing
              1. Paired comparison Test
                1. Staggered comparison tests
                2. Disguised comparison Method
            7. Test marketing
              1. Pretest marketing research 
              2. Full-fledged test marketing 
                1. Other variables to be measured 
                2. Selection is test markets 
                3. Projecting the results  
          2. Consumer research
            1. Scope of consumer research
            2. The need for consumer research in the modern era
            3. Functions of consumer research
              1. Locates customers
              2. Locates people with purchasing power
              3. Locates people who need products and services  of the firm
              4. Determines buying motives of consumers (motivation research)
                1. Nature of motivation research
                2. Study of buying motives of customers   
              5. Studies other motivation variables
                1. Attitudes 
                2. Beliefs
                3. Habits
                4. Customs
              6. Studies consumer behaviour
          3. Market research
          4. Analysis of competitors
        2. Advertising research
          1. Rational for using advertising research
          2. Advantage of advertising research
          3. Disadvantage of advertising research
          4. Types of advertising research
            1. Steategic  advertising research 
              1. Target audience research
              2. Message research
                1. Concept testing
                2. Copy- testing
                  1. Criteria used in copy testing
                    1. Recognition
                    2. Recall
                    3. Persuation
                    4. Purchase behaviour
                  2. Latest information on copy testing
              3. Media research
            2. Evaluative advertising research
              1. Message post-testing Before-after testing
        3. Market research 
        4. Analysis of competitors
      9. Persuasive effects of the media
        1. Intentional persuasion of the media
        2. Principles of media persuasion
        3. News 
        4. Agenda setting theory
        5. The Indian scenario
      10. Content analysis
        1. Desirables prerequisites of content analysis
        2. Applications of content analysis
        3. The procedure of content analysis
          1. Formulate a research question or hypothesis
          2. Define the universe
          3. Select a sample
          4. Select a unit of analysis
          5. Create categories of content
            1. How many and what categories to be decided 
          6. Set up quantification system
          7. Train coders 
          8. Code the content
          9. Analyse the data
          10. Interpret the results
        4. Reliability in content analysis
        5. Validity of content analysis
        6. Advantage of content analysis
        7. Limitations of content analysis 

      Communication and Theories of Social Change (Bullets Point)

      1. The system : Tenets given by rosengren 
      2. The value system, society and culture 
      3. Views of experts 
      4. The Indian Experience
        1. Socio-Economic Chang In India(1951-75)
        2. Socio-Economic Change In India(1975-91)
        3. Socio-Economic Change in India(1991-2004)
      5. How the Media would effect societal transformation in India 
      6. What is the paradigm 
      7. The concept of the culture communication and development
        1. Culture
        2. Communication
        3. Development 
      8. The concept of the social change view of Schramm
        1. What is social change
        2. How is social change effected
      9. Paradigms on communication for development
        1. The asian model
        2. The old paradigm 
          1. Critique of the old paradigm
        3. The package programmes model
          1. Critique of the package programmes model 
        4. The ruttan-hayami Innovation model
          1. Critique of the Ruttan-hayami innovation model
        5. The modernisation paradigm
          1. History
          2. Growth
          3. Critique of the two-step flow theory
          4. Critique of the Modernisaion paradigm
        6. The dependence paradigm
          1. Definition of dependency
          2. Glaring features of the dependency paradigm
          3. Cultural dependency
          4. Critique of the dependency paradigm
        7. The multiplicity paradigm
          1. The concept of multiplicity paradigm
          2. Three dialectic-ANALYTIC TRENDS
            1. Trend 1: A multidimensionl development  and communication model 
            2. Trend 2 : Culturalistic  communication for development
            3. Trend 3 :  The another development communication model for development
        8. The  Participatory model
          1. Critique of the participatory model
        9. The dominant paradigm
          1. Critique of the  dominant paradegm
          2. Critique of the dominant paradigm:latest views
        10. The alternative paradigm
      10. Culture, Communication and social change 
      11. The role of mass communication in National Development 
        1. The media as watchemenTattention
          1. The mass media  can  raise aspirations
          2. The mass media Create an environment for development
        2. The media in the decision process
          1. They can feed interpersonal channels
          2. They can confer status
          3. They can broaden the policy dialogue
          4. They can enforce social norms
          5. They can help shape tastes
          6. They can change attitudes
        3. The mass media as teachers
        1. Change in developing nations(1964-74)
        2. Globalisation of culture : Genesis and beyond 
          1. Advantages of globalisation of culture
          2. Disadvantages of globalisation of culture 
          3. Cultural identity, collective identity,and cultural invasion
          4. Solutions for the new era 
        3. Development initiatives : The Indian Context 
          1. Development initiatives taken by the state
          2. Development initiatives taken by non government organisation
        4. The media and social change
          1. Television and social change
          2. Radio and social change
          3. The Media and Social Change 
          4. The press and social change
          5. Cinema and social change
          6. Music and social change
          7. The net and social change
        5.  Latest views on communication and social change 
        6. Mass Communication and Socio-Economic Development 
        7. Mass Communication and rural Development 
        8. A note on development communication
          1. Roles of development Communication
          2. Features of development communication 
          3. The roles of the Media in Development communication
          4. Approaches to the relationship between communication and development 
        9. Conclusion 

        History of Print and Broadcast Media (Bullet Points)

        1. A quick journey through the annals of Indian History 
          1. Prehistoric Cultures and Stone Age
          2. Indus Valley Civilisation 
          3. Dravidian Civilisation (Unknown Dates)
          4. Vedic Age
            1. Early Vedic Age (Purva Veic Kala)
            2. Later Vedic Age (Uttar Vedic Kala)
          5. Influene of Buddhism and Jainism on Indian society
            1. Influence of Buddhism
            2. Inclusence of Jainism 
          6. The Invatosions  (522 BC to 323)
          7. The Mauryan Empire 
          8. The Sungas
          9. The Kanvas
          10. The Kushanas (Circas First Century AD to Third Century AD)
          11. The Gupta Dynasty 
          12. The Pushyabhutis (Late Sixth Century AD to 647 AD)
          13. The Pallavas 
          14. The Chalukyas 
          15. The Palas 
          16. The Rashtrakutas (Mid Eighth Century to 753 AD)
          17. The Pratiharas (Early Ninth Century AD to Early Tenth Century AD)
          18. The Cholas 
          19. The Muslim Invasion of India
          20. Delhi Sultanate
          21. The Slave Dynasty 
          22. The Tughlaq Dynasty 
          23. The Sayyed Dynasty 
          24. Lodhi Dynasty 
          25. Mughal Empire 
            1. Babar
            2. Humayun 
            3. Akbar 
            4. Jahangir 
            5. Shahajahan 
            6. Arurangzeb 
            7. Decline of the Mughals
            8. Bahadur Shah Zafar
          26. The Sikhs 
            1. Guru Nanak Dev
            2. Guru Angad Dev
            3. Guru Amardas
            4. Guru Ramdas
            5. Guru Arjan Dev
            6. Guru Hargovind
            7. Gru Har Rai
            8. Guru Harikrishan 
            9. Guru Tegbahadur 
            10. Guru GovindSingh
          27. The Portugese 
          28. Rise of the Dutch in the East
          29. The Marathas
          30. The British Raj
            1. Robert Clive
            2. Vansittart 
            3. Robert Clive
            4. Henry Verelist
            5. Warren Hastings 
            6. Lord Cornwallis 
            7. Lord William Bentick
            8. Charles Metcalf 
            9. Lord Auckland
            10. Lord Elenborough
            11. Henry Harding
            12. Lord Dalhousie 
            13. Lord Canning 
            14. Lord Elign
            15. Sir John Lawrence
            16. Lord Mayo
            17. Lord Northbrook
            18. Lord Lytton
            19. Lord ripon
            20. Lord Curzon
            21. Lord Minot II
              1. Monto Morley Reforms 
            22. Lord Differin
            23. Lord Lansdwne 
            24. Lord Elgin II
            25. Lord Hardinge II
            26. Lord Chelmsford
            27. Lord Irwin
            28. Lord Wellington
            29. Lord Linlithgo
              1. Cripps Mission 
            30. Lord Wavell
            31. Lord Mountbatten
            32. Indian Independence 
        2. Language
        3. History of The Print Media English
          1. Prarambhi Yug
          2. Bhartengu Yug
          3. Dwivedi Yug
          4. Gandhi Yug
          5. Post Independence Yug
        4. History of the Print Media other languages of India
        5. Post - Independence development in Print
        6. Newspaper : English and Indian Language Press
        7. Magazines 
          1. The role of Magazine in Indian Context
          2. The Book Phase
          3. Contemporary Situation
        8. Small Newspaper 
        9. Press Commission and Press councils 
          1. First Press Commission 
            1. Terms of Reference 
            2. Reports
            3. Major Recommendations 
              1. Protection of Religious Sentiments 
              2. Law of Contempt of Legislature 
              3. More Newspapers 
              4. Price-Page Schedule
              5. Legislative Control
              6. Separate Account for Each paper
              7. Restrictive Practices 
              8. Objectionable Advertisements 
              9. Advertising Council 
              10. Appointment of Registrar of Newspaper In India 
              11. Foreign News
              12. Press Facilities 
              13. Travel Facilities 
              14. Advertisements of The Governments
              15. Advertisement Tariffs 
              16. Despatches of Foreign Correspondent 
              17. Declaration of Ownership 
              18. Personal Publicity 
              19. Government Publication 
              20. Limitation of profits 
              21. Diffusion of Ownership 
              22. Concentration of Ownership 
              23. Monopolies
              24. Indianisation of the press
              25. Advertising Agencies 
              26. Editorials 
          2. The second press commission
            1. Terms of reference 
            2. The Report of Commission 
            3. Key Problem Areas
          3. First Press Council
            1. Objectives of The First Press Council
            2. Composition of the first press council
            3. Terms of office of the first press council 
            4. Functions of the first press council 
            5. Inquiry committees Hearings open to public 
            6. Power of the first press council 
              1. Civil court powers of the first press council 
              2. Censuring power of the first press council 
              3. Power of the first Press Council to Make regulations
            7. The government and the first press council 
            8. Formulation of a code of conduct for journalists 
            9. Guidelines of the first press council for the press
          4. Second Press Council 
          5. Third Press Council 
            1. Major Features of the third press council 
            2. Set-u and operation of the third press council 
        10. Development of Radio 
          1. Technical Data Related to radio transmission 
          2. Features of Radio
          3. Advantages of Radio 
          4. Disadvantages of Radio
          5. Brief History of Radio
            1. Arrival of Radio in India
            2. The Sixties
            3. The Seventies
            4. The Eighties
            5. The Nineties 
            6. The New Millennium
          6. Channels of All India Radio
            1. Primary Channels
            2. National Channel
            3. Vividh Bharati (Commercial Broadcastng Service)
            4. FM Channels
            5. External Services
            6. Yuvavani : Listening Power for the youth 
            7. The Air and new technology 
            8. Number of radio sets
            9. Radio and Economic Development 
              1. Future
        11. Development of Television in India 
          1. Feature of Television 
          2. Advantage of the Idiot Box
          3. Disadvantages of the Idiot box
          4. TV : An Invention for the Masses 
          5. History of Television in India
            1. The Capital takes the lead
            2. The Sixties 
            3. The seventies 
              1. The site phase 
                1. Evaluation of the Site
                2. Post-site phase
            4. The eighties : The Asiad Phase
            5. The Nineties : Post Asiad Phase
              1. Cable TV Revolution 
            6. The Present Scenario
              1. Satellites used in TV Transmission 
              2. Private Players 
              3. More Effective for News, Views and Entertainment 
            7. Doordarshan Operations during the present times
              1. DD National
              2. DD Metro
              3. DD Sports
              4. DD Bharati
              5. DD India
              6. Gyan Darshan
              7. Regional Channels of the DD
              8. TV Technology
              9. Software of TV
              10. Popular soap Operas 
              11. Television rating points : The Benchmarks for TV serials 
              12. Doordarshan Network
              13. DTH
              14. Prasar Bharati
              15. TV and Economic Development
              16. Committees in Broadcasting 
        12. Committees in Broadcasting 
        13. Indian Cinema 
          1. The Origin of cinema
          2. Features of Cinema
          3. Advantages of Cinema
          4. Disadvantages of Cinema
            1. An Humble Begining 
            2. Bollywood Saga (1901-10)
            3. Bollywood Saga (1911-20)
            4. Bollywood Saga (1921-30)
            5. Bollywood Saga (1931-40)
            6. Bollywood Saga (1941-50)
            7. Bollywood Saga (1951-60)
            8. Bollywood Saga (1961-70)
            9. Bollywood Saga (1971-80)
            10. Bollywood Saga (1981-90)
            11. Bollywood Saga (1991-2000)
            12. Bollywood Saga (2001-------)
          5. Bollywood Box Office : Latest Facts and Figures 
            1. CATV and Cinema
            2. DVD/VCD Players and Cinema
            3. Drama and Cinema 
          6. Types of Cinema
            1. Commercial Cinema
            2. Parallel Cinema
            3. Middle-Road Cinema
        14. Corporate and Government organisation associated with media 
        15. Important Data related to the media in India 

        Journalism as a profession (Bullets Points)

        1. What is a Profession 
          1. Major Feature of profession
          2. Who is professional 
        2. Who is Professional 
          1. Regulation of profession
          2. The current scenario : A amazing trend 
        3. Mass Communication tools
        4. Journalism as Profession 
        5. How an Events becomes a news
        6. Major feature of journalism
        7. Journalist : Their roles and responsibilities 
          1. Roles of journalist 
          2. Responsibility of journalists 
        8. Ethics and journalism 
          1. Three theory of press responsibility 
          2. What is Pluralism 
          3. What Participatory Society 
          4. Ethics : the concept 
          5. Ethics : Some facts 
          6. What is the solution 
          7. International principles of professional ethics 
          8. The code of ethics in journalism 
        9. India Constitution and freedom of the Press 
          1. History of freedom of the press in India 
          2. Article 19 (1) (A) : Freedom of Speech and Expression 
          3. Scope of freedom of the press
          4. Freedom in not absolute 
          5. Freedom and proclamation of emergency 
          6. Suspension of the write during emergency 
        10. Training problems perception and response by the Industry 
          1. Who is better : An author or a journo 
          2. History of training in India 
          3. The academic scenario 
          4. The State and Educational scenario 
            1. Indian Institute of Mass Communication 
            2. Press Institute of India 
            3. Research, reference and training division 
          5. Problem in the field of training 
          6. Professional journalism and ethical journalism 
          7. Seventh things journos should be trained in 
        11. Media Management 
          1. What Technology
          2. Institution 
          3. Cultural forms
          4. Mediation 
          5. Why should manage the media 
          6. Defining a Media Organisation 
          7. How message are created and sold 
          8. Why Media Firms are unique 
          9. Responsibility of Media company 
          10. Types of Media Managers 
            1. Media Managers in Radio Broadcasting 
            2. Media managers in TV Broadcasting 
              1. General Manager 
              2. Business Manager 
              3. News director 
              4. sales manager 
              5. Programme director 
            3. Media manager in the print media 
        12. Media Laws in India 
          1. The east India company (18th century )
          2. The Telegraph (1776)
          3. The Bengal Gazette (1780)
          4. The India World 
          5. First regulation on the press (1799)
          6. Lord Minto (1808-13)
          7. Modification of censorship (1813)
          8. Abolition of censorship (1818)
          9. The Munro report 
          10. Regulation for registration (1823)
          11. Liberalisation moves of metcalfe and Macaulay : Act XI (1835)
          12. The mutiny and vernacular press act (1857)
          13. Indian Penal code (1860)
          14. Press and registration of Books act 1867
          15. Vernacular press act 1878
          16. Repeal of the vernacular press act - 1882
          17. The Indian Telegraph act - 1882
            1. Control of telephones and telegraphs 
            2. To detain or paraphrase telegrams 
            3. Secret communication 
          18. Indian Post office act - 1898 
            1. News paper 
            2. Control of postal communication 
            3. Censor 
            4. Interference with postal and telegraphic communication 
            5. Newspaper (Incitement to offences act - 1908
          19. The Indian press act - 1910
          20. Police (Incitement of disaffection act 1922)
          21. The official Secret Act - 1923
            1. Wrongful communication 
          22. The Indian Press (Emergency power act 1931)
          23. Foreign relation act 1932
          24. Defence of India act 1939
          25. Constitution of India 1950
            1. Language of stage - 1950
            2. Protection of publication proceeding - 1950
            3. Authoritative texts in Hindi language - 1950
            4. Article 19 : Protection of certain right of freedom of speech 1950 
            5. Article 19 : Freedom of expression 1950
            6. Article 19 : Freedom of the press 1950
            7. Article 19 (2) and advertisement (1950)
            8. Article 19 : Defamation by the press - 1950  
          26. Freedom of speech and expression : Ruling of the supreme court of India 
          27. The constitution (Firm amendment act 1951)
          28. Press (Incitement to crimes bill - 1951
          29. The constitution (Second amendment act - 1952
          30. Contempt of court act 1952
            1. How to make mass media effective 
            2. Radio, Television and films office division 
          31. Drugs and Magic remedies (Objectionable advertisement act 1954) 
          32. Working journalist and other newspaper employees condition of service) and miscellaneous provision act 1955 : Act 45
            1. Definition (Under Section 2)
            2. Application of Industrial dispute act 1947
            3. Wages and compensation on retrenchment 
              1. Gratuity 
              2. Explanation 
          33. Press council act 1956 
          34. Young persons (Harmful publication act 1956)
          35. Copyright act 1957 
            1. Adaption 
            2. Meaning of copyright 
            3. Period of copyright 
            4. Offences of copyright 
            5. Infringement of copyright 
            6. Seizure of infringe copies 
            7. Plates for making infringing copies
            8.  Disposal of copies 
            9. False entries in register
            10. Making false statements 
            11. Offences by companies
            12. Cognizance of offencees
            13. Appeals
            14. Infringing  copy
            15. Infringement of copyright
          36. Working journalists(fixation of rates of wages)act(1958):act 29
            1.  Committee
            2. Composition of  the committee
            3. Functions of the committee
            4. Power and procedure of the committee (section 5)
            5.   Enforcement of recommendations
            6. Recover of money
            7. Authentication of document
            8. Penalties [section 12(A)]
            9. Powers of the central government 
        13. Research Restriction 
        14. Media Organisations 
        15. Advanced Commands of Microsoft Word
        16. Glossary of terms related to journalism and Media organisations 

        Role of Media in Society (Bullet Points)

        1. Mass and Masses
        2. The Fons ET Origo of the Mass India
          1. The media definition and concept
          2. Mass media
        3. Classification according to senses 
        4. The role of Media in society 
        5. Significance of the Media
        6. Roles played by the Media
        7. Functions of the Media
        8. Origin and Growth of the Media
        9. Characteristics of Indian Society 
        10. Ironies of Development 
        11. Latest Data on Indian Society
        12. The Economic Canvas 
          1. The hot -cool model of the eighties
        13. Mass Media Models 
        14. Impact of Media and Specific Audience 
        15. The Print Media : A brief synopsis 
        16. The Press Media : A brief Synopsis 
        17. The Movie Media : A brief synopsis 
        18. The Broadcast Media : A brief synopsis 
        19. The music Media : A brief synopsis 
        20. Traditional Media a whole-how contemplation 
        21. Mass Communication for Specific Issues 
        22. Theories of Media 
        23. Ethics in Media Communications
        24. Key Features of the Media
        25. Sources of the Media Information 
        26. Media weight theories 
        27. Popular terms from the realm of the media world 
        28. Nature of the Media 
        29. Media Mathematics and Terms for Judging the Media 
        30. Effects of the Media

        Communication and Journalism (Bullet Points)

        1. Defining Communication 
        2. Objectives of Communication
        3. Communication Function
        4. The Communication Process
        5. 7 C's of Communication '
        6. Ten Commandments of Good Communication
        7. Significance of language of mass communication (The Indian Context)
        8. Why Should Communication help in the growth of a developing country like India
        9. How can Communication help in the growth developing country like India
        10. Communication Models
        11. Mass Communication Models 
        12. Five Revolutions of Communication 
        13. Why Communication is Basic to Human Social Organisation 
        14. Classification of Communication 
        15. Communication Channel and Network
        16. Burning Issues in Communication
        17. Communication Mix
        18. Mass Communication and Culture
        19. Theories of  Mass Communication
        20. Nature of Communication
        21. Mass Communication and enthography 
        22. Journalism
        23. Canons of Journalism
        24. Journalism and Ethics 
        25. Classification of Journalist and Correspondents 
        26. Mass Communication in India : Reach, access and Nature of the audience